
Configuring and Running EmailEngine

EmailEngine uses two types of configurations:

  1. Application Configuration: This is loaded when the application starts and includes settings such as the HTTP port number.
  2. Runtime Configuration: This can be updated at any time via the Settings API endpoint or through the built-in web interface. Examples include the webhook destination URL.

You can configure the application using either command-line arguments or environment variables. If both are provided for the same setting, the environment variable will take precedence over the command-line argument.

General settings

These are the main application settings.

Configuration Option CLI Argument ENV Value Default
IMAP Worker Count --workers.imap=4 EENGINE_WORKERS=4 4
Max Command Duration --service.commandTimeout=10s EENGINE_TIMEOUT=10s 10s
Delay Between Creating Each IMAP Connection --service.setupDelay=0ms EENGINE_CONNECTION_SETUP_DELAY=0ms 0ms
Log Level --log.level="level" EENGINE_LOG_LEVEL=level "trace"
Log Raw Data --log.raw=false EENGINE_LOG_RAW=false false
Webhook Worker Count --workers.webhooks=1 EENGINE_WORKERS_WEBHOOKS=1 1
Submit Worker Count --workers.submit=1 EENGINE_WORKERS_SUBMIT=1 1
Prepared Settings --settings='{"JSON"}' EENGINE_SETTINGS='{"JSON"}' not set
Prepared Access Token --preparedToken="token..." EENGINE_PREPARED_TOKEN="token..." not set
Prepared License Key --preparedLicense="..." EENGINE_PREPARED_LICENSE="..." not set
Encryption Secret --service.secret="****" EENGINE_SECRET="****" not set
Chunk Size for Attachment Download Streams (in bytes) not available EENGINE_CHUNK_SIZE=1MB 1MB
Time to Wait for IMAP Access Lock After Failed Login Attempts not available EENGINE_MAX_IMAP_AUTH_FAILURE_TIME=3days 3 days
Restrict IP Addresses for Admin UI Access not available EENGINE_ADMIN_ACCESS_ADDRESSES=, not set

IMAP Worker Count

You can set a fixed number of worker threads (the default is 4), or use the special value "cpus", which automatically matches the number of worker threads to the available CPU cores.


$ emailengine --workers.imap=cpus

Redis Configuration

Database options.

Configuration Option CLI Argument ENV Value Default
Redis Connection URL --dbs.redis="url" EENGINE_REDIS="url" "redis://"
Key Prefix not available EENGINE_REDIS_PREFIX="myprefix" not set

If you run multiple EmailEngine instances on the same Redis server, ensure that you use a different database number or unique key prefixes to prevent conflicts.

For non-default Redis configurations, such as when your Redis instance is hosted remotely or requires authentication, provide the Redis connection details as a connection string in the following format:



$ emailengine --dbs.redis="redis://:supersecret@"

API server settings

Web server settings for the API and web UI.

Configuration Option CLI Argument ENV Value Default
Host to Bind To"" EENGINE_HOST="" ""
Port to Bind To --api.port=port EENGINE_PORT=port 3000
Max Attachment Size --api.maxSize=5MB EENGINE_MAX_SIZE=5MB 5MB
Max POST Body Size When Uploading Messages --api.maxBodySize=50MB EENGINE_MAX_BODY_SIZE=50MB 50MB
Max Allowed Time to Upload a Message --api.maxPayloadTimeout=10s EENGINE_MAX_PAYLOAD_TIMEOUT=10s 10s
CORS Allowed Origin --cors.origin="*" EENGINE_CORS_ORIGIN="*" not set
CORS Max Age --cors.maxAge=60s EENGINE_CORS_MAX_AGE=60s 60s

To specify multiple CORS origins, use a space-separated string value, or add a separate --cors.origin argument for each origin.

Configuration Option CLI Argument ENV Value Default
HTTPS Enabled EENGINE_API_TLS="true" "false"
HTTPS Private Key --api.tls.keyPath="/key.pem" EENGINE_API_TLS_KEY_FILE="/key.pem"
HTTPS Certificate Chain --api.tls.certPath="/cert.pem" EENGINE_API_TLS_CERT_FILE="/cert.pem"

Note: Use HTTPS only if your reverse proxy and EmailEngine instances are on different servers. For localhost connections, prefer HTTP.

Queue Settings

Concurrency options for queue handling.

By default, a queue worker processes one job at a time. If your queues are being processed too slowly, you can increase the concurrency values. However, increasing concurrency may result in events being processed out of order when the concurrency count is set higher than 1. Therefore, only increase these values if event order is not a critical concern.

Configuration Option CLI Argument ENV Value Default
Webhooks Concurrency Count --queues.notify=1 EENGINE_NOTIFY_QC=1 1
Submit Concurrency Count --queues.submit=1 EENGINE_SUBMIT_QC=1 1

Dotenv File

If the working directory contains a "dotenv" file (named .env), EmailEngine will use it to set environment variables.

The dotenv file follows the KEY=VALUE format, with each entry on a separate line, like this:


Lines starting with # are treated as comments and will be ignored, as will empty lines.

ENV Values from Files

You can also set individual environment variables by specifying a file that contains the value. To do this, use an environment key with a _FILE suffix and provide the path to the file.

If an environment variable is not set directly, EmailEngine will check if a corresponding file path variable exists. If it finds one, EmailEngine will attempt to read the value from the specified file.

In the example below, the value for EENGINE_SECRET is provided from a file located at "/path/to/secret.txt":

$ echo 'secretpass' > /path/to/secret.txt
$ export EENGINE_SECRET_FILE=/path/to/secret.txt
$ emailengine