Google Service Accounts

Grant EmailEngine access to all email accounts in your organization at once using a service account and domain-wide delegation.

Click here to see other types of OAuth2 configurations.

Setting up Google Service Account Integration with EmailEngine

Follow these steps to set up Google Service Account integration with EmailEngine to manage Gmail accounts across your entire organization.

  1. Open Google Cloud Console
    Go to the Google Cloud Console, where you will manage all Google API configurations and create a project for using Gmail API with EmailEngine.

  2. Create a new project
    Click "Create Project" to set up a new Google Cloud project. This project will contain all the configurations for enabling Gmail API and setting up the service account.

  3. Select the created project
    After creating the project, make sure to select it from the list to apply all configurations and API activations to the right project.

  4. Enable Gmail API
    Navigate to APIs & ServicesEnabled APIs and services. Search for "Gmail API" and enable it. This will allow EmailEngine to access and manage Gmail accounts via the service account.

  5. Navigate to Credentials
    Head back to APIs & ServicesCredentials. This is where you’ll create the service account, which will be used to access all Gmail accounts in your organization.

  6. Manage Service Accounts
    On the Credentials page, click the Manage service accounts link. This will take you to the section where you can create and manage service accounts for your Google Cloud project.

  7. Create a new service account
    Click on "Create Service Account." A service account allows EmailEngine to interact with Google services, including Gmail, on behalf of your organization.

  8. No need to grant roles
    You do not need to grant any roles to this service account during creation because it will use domain-wide delegation for access.

  9. Select the newly generated service account
    Once the service account is created, select it from the list to configure advanced settings for domain-wide delegation.

  10. Navigate to Advanced settings
    Scroll down to find the Advanced settings section of the service account.

  11. Enable Domain-wide delegation
    In the advanced settings, look for Domain-wide delegation. This option allows the service account to act on behalf of users across your organization. Enable it and copy the client ID.

  12. Go to Google Workspace Admin Console
    Click on the View Google Workspace admin console button. This will take you to the Google Workspace Admin Console, where you’ll grant the service account domain-wide permissions.

  13. Search for API Controls
    In the Google Workspace Admin Console, search for API Controls. This section manages the permissions for apps to access data across your organization.

  14. Manage Domain-wide delegation
    Click on the Manage domain-wide delegation link. This is where you’ll grant the service account access to Gmail across your organization.

  15. Add new delegation
    Click Add new to create a new delegation for the service account. This will enable the service account to act on behalf of all Gmail users in your domain.

  16. Enter Client ID and Scope
    Paste the client ID you copied from the service account’s settings. In the OAuth2 scope field, add the following scope:

      This allows the service account to access Gmail on behalf of all users.
  17. Return to Service Account page
    Go back to the service account page in the Google Cloud Console to continue configuring it.

  18. Create a JSON key for the service account
    Navigate to Keys within the service account page. Click on "Create new key" and choose the JSON format. This file will be used by EmailEngine to authenticate with Google.

  19. Save the JSON key file
    After the key is generated, save the JSON file securely. You will need this file to configure the Gmail Service Account in EmailEngine.

  20. Create a new Gmail Service Account application in EmailEngine
    Open EmailEngine and create a new Gmail Service Account application. This will allow EmailEngine to use the service account to access Gmail accounts across your organization.

  21. Upload the JSON configuration file
    In EmailEngine, select the JSON file you downloaded from Google Cloud. This file contains the credentials that EmailEngine will use to authenticate with Google.

  22. Select IMAP and SMTP as base scopes
    When configuring the Gmail Service Account application in EmailEngine, select IMAP and SMTP as the base scopes. This ensures that EmailEngine can read and send emails using Gmail.

  23. Register the app in EmailEngine
    Click Register app to complete the setup. Your EmailEngine instance is now connected to Gmail via the service account, allowing it to manage all Gmail accounts in your organization.

Register an account with EmailEngine

Unlike other integration types, you cannot add an email account as a service account through the EmailEngine web UI. Instead, you must use the API to register accounts.

Follow the instructions below to register a service account via the EmailEngine API:

  1. Change the email address and username in the script to the email address you want to add.
  2. Replace the OAuth2 provider ID with the ID of the OAuth2 app you added to EmailEngine.

Use the following curl command to register the service account:

curl -XPOST "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ef3fdcbf9c9ca2432...." \
  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "account": "service",
    "name": "Nyan Cat",
    "email": "",
    "oauth2": {
      "provider": "AAABkIKUkHcAAAAc",
      "auth": {
        "user": ""

This script registers the service account with EmailEngine, allowing the service account to access email data for the specified email address across your organization.